Discover the beautiful sides of Alfeld!
Get to know Alfeld in a whole new way and learn more about the beautiful little town and its seven guiding principles, represented by various points of interest.
Inspired by the mascot of the animal museum in Alfeld, the user is accompanied through the city by a zebra named Alfie.
Augmented reality allows the wonders to be displayed in three dimensions. They can then be collected and displayed anywhere in 3D (via AR) and further explored.
Find out more about the Alfeld+ app and try it out for yourself in the App Store or Google Play Store.
To do this, click on the links or scan the QR codes.
The Leinebergland from a completely new perspective!
Discover sights and other interesting places around Gronau (Leine) and get to know the Leinebergland in a new way.
The linguist Dr. Georg Sauerwein accompanies the users through the adventure tours and provides them with interesting information.
Augmented reality allows the wonders to be displayed in three dimensions. They can then be collected and displayed anywhere in 3D (via AR) and further explored.
Erfahren Sie mehr über die Gronau App und testen Sie sie selbst im App Store oder dem Google Play Store.
To do this, click on the links or scan the QR codes.
Discover the wonders along the way!
Each community along the route has its own unique wonder, such as geographical features, famous people and much more!
The charming conductor and a compass guide the user to the wonders and provide them with interesting information such as photos, videos or quizzes along the way.
Augmented reality allows the wonders to be displayed in three dimensions. They can then be collected and displayed anywhere in 3D (via AR) and further explored.
Erfahren Sie mehr über die Wunderline App und testen Sie sie selbst im App Store oder dem Google Play Store.
To do this, click on the links or scan the QR codes.
Discover Oldenburg and the company Quantumfrog
The city of Oldenburg serves as an example for the company's own AR app. Quantumfrog's headquarters can be found here. In addition to interesting information about the charming city in Lower Saxony, the user also receives information about Quantumfrog itself.
The app is accompanied by Froggy, the mascot of Quantumfrog.
With this proprietary discovery app, interested parties can experience and test the functions of AR discovery tours for themselves, regardless of region. The app simulates movement between destinations, so that testing can be done from anywhere.
Erfahren Sie mehr über die Oldenburg ARound App und testen Sie sie selbst im App Store oder dem Google Play Store.
To do this, click on the links or scan the QR codes.
Would you like to go on a journey of discovery with us?
We create a clear management interface for you in which you can manage and add content yourself. Whether it's text, images, videos or 3D elements! You can design your discovery points (POIs) individually according to your own ideas.
We adapt the look and feel of your app to an existing design guide (CI) or design the app according to your ideas and wishes.
For the app, we create a custom tour guide (character) that accompanies the user through the app. You also have the freedom to choose which 3D objects should be created and integrated.